The End

At one point in time there was a time.
A time that our love was true.=[

But now our love is gone.
Why i don't know but i had this day in my mind for a long time..
waiting for it to happen.

I just didn't it would come so soon.

Yes, I do still love you!
But if you wouldn't of said those words i wouldn't be sitting here
writing this
all teary eyed and and almost crying!

Yes, i want to cry but,
i really don't think your worth it anymore!

My life was perfect.. i had the best friends,
I went to the best school,
And best of all i had the most wonderful..incredible..Amazing..boyfriend in the world.

Or at least that's what i thought.

But you had to say those terrible words.
Those were the words that broke my heart!
those words hurt the most..

And now all like i want to die!

Well now you know i loved you, or loved,
And i know that you love wasn't true!
♠ ♠ ♠
to Nate Richmond!! </3