His bike killed him

The cold harsh wind
Blew through the dark
Grey sky. It looked
As though it would rain
That is the morning
We all heard the news
“last night at 10 o’clock
We lost the life of a student
Here at Hereford high.
Paul Borquinn was killed
In a motorcycle accident
On Falls Road. May we
Have a moment of silence.”
Tears welled up in our eyes.
No one could believe it.
As the day went on,
Students began to act normal,
Laughing as though they had
Forgotten. When 5th period
Came around I took my seat
And looked over at the empty one
Next to mine, expecting him
To be sitting there about to tell
Me all about his weekend and
How he had driven on his new
Black and blue motorcycle. I couldn’t
Stop it, tears poured out of my eyes
As I realized that he wouldn’t be telling
Me anymore stories about him and his bike
It was his beloved possession
And now it had brought his story to an end
It still doesn’t feel real.
I expect to go to school
And see him in the halls,
Hear his voice ring out with
“hey I have a story for you!!”
But now I never will,
His life has ended
And his story cannot live on
He won’t be forgotten.

Rest in peace my friend
I miss you
And through me you will live on
…I promise