
I try to write an about me in hopes that I can be able to show who I am.
But what can I really say to make you understand?
I don't think it's that easy to give you access to my head.
I'm not good at expressing myself so I'll use my words instead.

It's kind of hard to sum up everything in a paragraph or two.
But I'm going to give it a good enough shot for you.

It's not about the way I dress.
My clothes were made by someone else.
And in my books, I have good looks.
Though some disagree with what I see.

A brunette at roughly five foot ten.
It maybe calling out to men.
But I'm more than just a pretty face.
And more than worth your silly chase.

I go for guys that wear cool glasses.
And do pretty good in all their classes.
I would prefer if he were funny.
But I don't care for things like money.

I do look out for personality.
And I'd rather he were a mystery.
Because to me, it's way more fun.
When all my puzzles are halfway done.

Don't call me a slut for making passes,
I'm allowed to take note of their gorgeous asses.
Do you think it's a crime for me to flatter?
Do you not agree with "looks don't matter"?

My friends don't have to be the same.
For me to let them in my game.
But I look for trust and loyalty,
Or else you won't get close to me.

I lose myself when paper meets pen.
I guess it's one of those things again.
The ones I can't seem to control.
Those things that somehow feed the soul.

Where I'm from doesn't count to me.
It's where I'm going and what I'll be.
But that doesn't mean I'm nothing now.
I'll find myself someday, somehow.

Don't take note of my silly mistakes.
The ones that almost everyone makes.
I'm guilty of creating art but not war.
So don't judge me for things I don't take credit for.
♠ ♠ ♠
About me duh