Summer Days

Aren't we suppose to be free,

From stress,

Over thinking,



Isn't summer suppose to be the time,

Where you did everything you thought of,

With out a care,

And you wont regret it later,

Because you actualy lived,

You might have kissed that cute boy,

Or asked that cute girl out.

You could have hung out with new friends,

Or went to visit old ones.

You might have gotten in a fight,

Or stopped something in it's track before it got worse.


If the drama stays,

The worrying wont stop.

It will build a wall,

Keeping you from the fun, and happiness summer is suppose to bring.

Making you crawl back into that shell,

That you tried forever to open,

And then you'd have to start over,

And school will begin,

And life just fall to pieces.