Like a Light Switch...

like a light switch being flipped,
from "off" to "on", you feel it.
like the first breath of air your lungs consumed,
or the first rain drop you felt across your face.
you want to savor this moment, live it.
store it in a never forgetting piece of mind.
you don't just feel "something" for a second,
you feel a-l-i-v-e, and all its wondrous glory.
your senses pick up things you haven't before.
your hands tingle in the fall air, like electricity.
everything you touch becomes alive within your palm.
your sight is sharp and fierce,
underneath your coat you feel heated,
comfortable and safe, like you're at bay of a fire burning.
words become so sweet, unknown and unique.
in a dream state of mind you wonder for some time,
thinking of the problems life seems to bring.
but you cant even spend a second to waste,
you celebrate happiness and leave reality in its haste.
like a weight has been pulled of your chest,
you accept this joy with open arms, and you finally r e s t . . .