The random poem.

For all the red heads,
You all rock,
You guys make me take my clothes off,
Whether a boy,
A girl,
A alien,
Things have always came out as a plan.

PLEASE pretty blondies,
You aren't dumb,
You think I'm so pretty,
You make me hum..
wont you shut up, don't sing please!

To all the brunettes,
I hate you!
Your hair is so pretty,
Yes I'm being rude,
Because I cannot have hair like that ever,
Sinse my hair is GRAY,
The chances are never

Black heads? Oh yeah
They're totally rad,
The dream of having black hair,
Is the dream I've always had,
You act so goth,
you act so cool,
All you have to do,
Is make me drool!

Gingers, and blondies,
Are my favorites
You make me shout my numbers,
Me and you are dating,
We go to vegas,
And we go and marry,
I found out you was cheating
With mr. Gryffindors, HARRY.

You mean the world to me.<3