Reflection .

Alone at night , I wonder if
You think of me as often as I do .
You messed this up .
Not me . Would you ?
Go back and change the past ?
Make it perfect again . Fairy Tale .
But I wonder ,
Will we just fail ?
Will fate never let us be ?
I love you more than you know .
All the happiness ,
It's met with woe .
Alone today , I wonder why
You have her .
Fling ? Or Love ?
Something to defer
Pain , sharp like mine ?
I see her with you .
You smile ,
But it doesn't reach your eyes .
I walk away while
You call out to me .
Pain drips like venom from your voice .
That's when I recognize her .
You made your choice ,
But I swear , she looks just like me .
♠ ♠ ♠
Interpret it as you will , but there's no hidden meaning or anything . It really is about my ex who I still love & still loves me who's dating someone that looks like me .