Those Three Words

Those three words, you said to me
In my darkest times, you held me tight
You breathed a whisper in my ear
Told me everything would be alright

Those three words, you said to me
We were lying on a blanket in the sun
We slept in the grass, laughed to the stars
You made me feel like I was someone

Those three words, you said I love you
When I looked gross, I called you insane
You said you liked me best this way
With no makeup and glasses watching “Singing in the Rain”

Those three words, you said to me
I watched you walk away
I watched you touch your lips to hers
Even though I begged you to stay

Those three words, you said to me
While my eyes were full of tears
You said you loved me, did that just end?
You took back all those hard earned years

Those three words, I’m leaving you
You said with a suitcase and keys
Though you said, I’m leaving you
You’ll never really leave me