Life is slow

Even a life, as steady as mine
is filled with fast morons, not taking their time

My life is the Tortoise, others the Hare
How fast or how slow someone is, I just couldn't care

It's when they try to speed me up, they really get on my nerves
to them life goes in a straight line, to me it is filled with curves

Going fast on a curve, can lead to a mistake
a mistake left alone becomes a minor ache

Life is short, who said that, I'd like to know
life is the longest thing in life, whether you take it fast or slow

Slow and steady wins the race of life to it's best,
you take the time to see small details, until your eternal rest

Fast paced people look at a tree and see a simple tree,
I look at it and this is what I see

flowing colours, green to brown, the red and orange, tall
The winters chill it closes in, and leaves begin to fall

Yellow shades, and weightless leaves in the autumn sun,
they don't fall at 60K per hour, they only fall at one.

Even nature it's self is slow, whilst evolution takes its hold
when we try to speed things up, unnaturally it will unfold

Life is short, slow and pleasent, live it the way it was meant,
find the world's tranquil side, and watch until your time is spent