Our First Kiss

In the stairway is not where I imagined it to happen,
And yet it was the perfect setting.
No one was around, accept an old Verizon with an obscure ringtone,
But she wasn’t watching.
No one was.
It was our secret.
It could have been a dream, but I’ve never felt so awake.
It could have been an out of body experience, but I’ve never felt so alive.

You took me by surprise,
But I should have known it.
I could see you considering it.
Your expression was calculating, as I searched my bag but I mistook your concern for the location of my planner.
And then, out of no where, your lips were pressed against mine,
Only for a second.
I barely had time to respond, when you pulled away, but you must have seen it in my eyes:
How I lost my breath,
How my heart stopped for a second,
How I was so moved I had to look away and pretend it didn’t happen,
Which was agonizing because really…
I wanted more.

We may have carried on talking but it in my head, I was replaying that one moment,
And over,
Wishing you would do it again.
Hoping you knew I wanted you to do it again.
You must have read my mind,
Because you did.
You tasted of pumpkin pie and I don't like it but I didn’t care;
It was perfect nonetheless.
Your lips closing over mine, so soft and undemanding,
And yet, controlled…
You knew you were doing,
I didn’t.
You caused sensations I couldn’t explain,
Tiny explosions of delight in my tummy.

You put your hands in my pockets,
I held your right hand, you held my left,
And I leaned my head back against your neck.
We fit. Like a jigsaw. It made sense.
Sharing body heat,
Sharing jokes,
In gloomy November.
I felt wanted.
I knew I was all you were thinking of,
Because you were all I could think of.

The moment I had imagined so many times before it happened,
Always came with anxiety.
I tried to plan it: I knew it was coming.
But when it happened, nothing mattered.
I was at ease.