My Teacher's Footsteps

Some of the things he does are worng
Some are right
Some are in between

He has screwed up everthing in his life
Just by being with the wrong ppl at the wrong time
He does things he's not supposed to because its "cool"

In my opinion having a screwed uo life is uncool
He listened to me for a little while
Then his "friends" got him hooked again

There goes my best friend
There goes my boyfriend
There he goes...again

His like is screwed over
I've fixed it before...I could fix it again
But i won't

He is on his own
I hope he can pull himself together
I know I will NEVER screw up like him

He doesnt know it but he is a teacher
A good one actually
He taught me NOT to follow his footsteps

If I were to follow his footsteps
I would walk into the same walls he has
I will ot follow his footsteps

No one should follow his footsteps
His footsteps are dangerous
Sometimes they are illegal

Staying away from him will be hard
I will have to stay with friends
His old friends

We do still talk
I try to get him to stop each time
Still he's not with us...his TRUE friends

I will miss him always
I will want to follow my teacher's footsteps
But I won't