
Sometimes your nice to everyone,
Sometimes just me.

Most of the time your with the populars,
Sometimes your with me.

Most of the time its not the real you,
Sometimes it is.

Sometimes I like the other you more,
Most of the time I like the real you.

Sometimes you tottally ignore me,
Sometimes you don't.

Sometimes when its just the two of us,
I think, I think about how perfecr it is.

How we are opposites but have similarties,
How we haven't had a bad fight...yet.

How I wish I was yours,
How I would love it to stay just us.

Then something happens,
And we are surrounded.

Surrounded by your friends, my friends,
And we have to change back to,

Back to the "Normal" us,
Oh, I hate the "Normal" us.

Sometimes I wish I could press fast foward,
Sometimes I wish I could press rewind,

Most of the time I want to press pause,
Most of the time I want to pause everyone but us.

Sometimes I wish we could be the real us,
Sometimes I wish we could take off our masks.

Sometimes I wish we didn't have the masks,
Sometimes I wish we could be the real us all the time.

Most of the time we want to rip it off,
But I cant...No one approves of the real us.

Sometimes I think to the future, to where we can show the real us
Someday we will be the real us.