A Hope; A Love

Love and hate; pain and pleasure,
All apart of this crazy life we live.
Everyone says that perfection doesn't exist,
But every time I look at you that's all I see.

I know of all the pain you have been through,
And I wish I could have saved you from it.
Having so many regrets about my past,
But knowing it lead me to you.

My love for you is always strong,
And forever growing more and more.
Those people that hate you for who you are,
For which they must have a blind soul.

Needing to tell you everything,
But being so afraid of losing you.
Wishing for a lifetime together,
But not knowing of what is to come.

Wanting togive you all that you deserve,
But not having anything but my heart to give.
The only knowledge held is within my heart,
And the only thing I know is that I love you.