The End

When asked if he was alright
Of course the boy would say "fine"
But then comes the night
And then tears fall

The skin is cut
And the wine flows out
As a river would after the cold, harsh winter
He cries and he screams
Begging for more

Begging for pain
Begging for love
Wishing, wishing
For his little turtle dove

There is no answer,
Not even a whisper
Because of this,
The blade sinks in deeper
The blood flow,
The river flow,
Becomes an ocean of pain
An ocean of sorrow
All caused by their hate

He is an outcast
Despised by his peers
And there is no one
Willing to see his tears
So now he stands
Here on the edge
Ready to jump
He writes his note
Signs it with red ink
It reads three words....
"Fuck this World"