I'll Try.

"I'll try!" she said as he walked away,
but the thing that she didn't say,
was that she always trys,
she always fails,
but he doesn't notice he doesn't care.

She try and trys,
over and over again,
But no matter what she does,
no matter what she says
she can't convince him
that she always fails,
and will try to the end.

She sees him every day,
hanging around with his friends.
But as to her dismay,
he always has a girl hanging on him
like a leaf on a tree.

He sees her as a sister,
he sees her as a friend,
nothing more,
to be said.

She sees him as a friend,
she sees him as a buddy
she wants him to be more,
because there is nobody,
else like him.

They always talk,
and laugh at each others jokes,
everytime she sees him her stomache,
feels like jello,
and it feels like shes melting,
she wished he felt the same,
She gets butterflies just by the sound,
of his name.

So she tries and tries,
to get his attention,
but as time flies,
she loses those butterflies,
now they are replaced with hate,
and regret,
for wasting so much time on him,
instead of searching for another person
that she will never forget.