The Stray

The moon rises above the tree line and a shock starts up my spine
My body shudders, my heart flutters
I can feel myself growing stronger, I wont be human much longer

At the moment I can feel the icy cold wind slap across my unprotected skin
I can feel my muscles stretch and my bones reform
I was beginning to transform

Sounds reached my ears in which I hadn’t heard before
Sounds that I now couldn’t ignore
I stretched out my legs and bounded across the land
I dodged the cacti and entered the woodland

Weaving between trees I was like a shadow
Only now could I feel no sorrow
There from the thicket I watched my prey
waiting for one to wonder astray

The next thing that happened is very unclear
For when I woke up I was human again and the pain was severe
I was lying on the forest floor
My hands were soaked in blood and gore
Then I looked on in horror

The job I had started was left unfinished
And I knew that I was no longer famished
Staring up at me with one dark brown eye
Lay the young doe who I knew would die

Her organs were shredded into
And her blood was like glue
It clung to me
And it made me feel awful suddenly

I could feel it underneath my nails
The sensation made me want to wail
What had I done?
Who had I been?
It was the monster lurking within

And she stared at me, so helpless yet so calm
She knew death was upon her
Her blood stained her fur

I was numb
Guilt spread through me like venom
I took up her head in my blood stained hands
Then I gave it one sharp twist
I didn’t see the light leave her eyes, my vision was blurred by a fine mist

My tear drops fell on her unmoving form
And I knew at that moment, I’d never return

I left her there and wandered away
Where I would go I didn’t know
I was a stray
♠ ♠ ♠
I got the inspiration from Linger. Please let me know what you think =)