
Maybe it’s all true,
It just dawned on me,
That this feeling I had,
It’s because of you, don’t you see?

You’re like my medicine,
You cure me when I’m sick,
It doesn’t take much,
It cures me so quick.

You’ve always been there for me,
Why didn’t I see it before?
You were like the hidden key,
That has just unlocked the door.

The door to my heart,
That I’ve always hidden from everyone,
Somehow you found it,
And I don’t know what you had done.

I never let anyone in,
Always afraid to get hurt,
Everyone seems to lie and deceive,
So I always have to be on an alert.

But you seem different,
You’re not like most guys,
This comes as an astonishment,
Maybe that’s what has opened my eyes.

I should have seen you,
You were there all along,
And now I finally realize,
That maybe we actually belong!