your guardian angel

I’m here for you no matter what
I’m right here when u need a friend
I’m the one that u can cry to
I’m here when u have questions
I’m to the right of you when you’re scared to do something
I’m behind you when u fall and you need me to pick you up
I’m the one that my love will always be here for you when u need it
I’m the one that will do anything for you
I’m here when I’m not there
I’m always in your hart
I will be with you when I die
I will love you when I go to haven
I will smile down on you
I will never think of you differently
I will stand up will you forever
I ask that you remember me always
I ask that you see me as the friend that I was
I ask that you call me a fried
Forget the fights we had
Forget what we said to each other
Forget what we did to each other
Forget what I became when I was mad
Because you’re my love
You’re my hart
You’re my all
You’re the person that I wake up to
You’re the one that keeps me going through the day
I see you and I become happy
I see you and I wonder how I got you in my life
I see you and cry on the inside thinking why I would heart you
Then I say you’re my true love
You’re my love as a friend or more
I don’t care what I’m too you
But you can always call me
Your Guardian Angel
♠ ♠ ♠
give me feed back
thanks for reading :D