so what happened?

so what happened?
what happened to when you were actually a father?
damn, what ever happened to you actually showing respect to our mother?
so what happened?

you know your daughter stares at her light brown walls, dreaming.
you know she dreams about escaping?
nah, you don't so continue to make her wonder about how a father should be like.
continue to make her feel like shit and be a dick.

get off that fucking bed and do something!
you told me once when i was younger and clueless,
"i'll always be there, you're under my wing."
fuck that shit, it's fake.

so what happened?
what happened to when you were actually a father?
damn, what ever happened to you actually showing respect to our mother?
so what happened?

you know your wife cry's herself to bed,
you know i have to listen to her try hiding it, she's back on her med.
damn, i feel sorry for my sister, you know what she has to go through?
she takes care of mum and me, she gave me her fucking food!

were running low on money, mum's working at another job.
that doesn't seem to be enough if we can't get food, fucking snob.
you buy shit for yourself, what about your kids,
what about that kid in a crib?

she cries!

yeah fool, go smoke, go snort, go shoot up
go with that bitch ass hoe, you call a worker, what's up?
you're living the dream right dad?
what about ours we had?

so what happened?
what happened to when you were actually a father?
damn, what ever happened to you actually showing respect to our mother?
so what happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
this came out like crap, it wasn't my best just shit that happened to be on my mind.