
A hole was dug
Just for me
That I was placed in at my birth.
And as I lived,
And as I breathed,
The whole was worn down deeper.

Until I knew no sunlight.
My skin became paper thin and translucent.
But on I walked,-------------and walked,
--------------------and walked,--------------and walked,

Until I could naught but crawl,
-------Around and around in the circle.
-------That was set just for me.

But all along, my muscles grew ever stronger.
Until one day...
I hoisted my foot out of the now sodened earth.
And dug my fingers into the cold side of the hole,
Determined to end the circle.

And so I

Until I was well dirtied and reeking.
Only then did I find myself at the top of the trapping, redundant circle.

I let go of the edge to wipe my brow,
And I fell, and I fell, into the far down depths of my life.
Hit the wet earth and sunk into it.

There is where I'm still trapped today
And I'm back 'round the circle again.