
You are absolutely clueless
To the pain you have caused me.
This love is just a virus
You're the deadly disease.

She's all you think, you sleep,
You breathe,
And here I am just bleeding.
Cut from your lies
Your gorgeous eyes
Always so misleading.

I loved another for awhile
But you were always there
Holding my heart,
Throwing it down the stairs.

It reminds me of all the tears
And hearts you've broken before me.
Why should I care for
Someone who ignores me?

You give me hugs, false hopes
And lust
Yet my ignorant heart won't stop.
I'm asking for the pain
And endless yearning to drop.

Tear out the slice of my heart
Dedicated to you.
It will help us both,
Indeed, this is true.

My only wish is to dismiss
The pain and longing for something,
That will never happen,
For I am certain
That this pain is for nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this one morning when I was feeling extremely angry about a guy...this is really rough and I just had a SURGE of inspiration to express my feelings in this way.