The one "Missing" peice

I was working on a puzzle
who's picture was so obscure
How I wondered what it showed
Untill I finnally met her.

Now see, I had peices missing
Peices bent ajar
To simply put two together
Made my mind work so very hard

And I also had peices stolen
By many people in my life
To get those ones back
Took far to much of a fight

But then she came into my life

She found my missing peices
And bent back the ones ajar
She took back the ones that were stolen
For those she traveled so far

And then the picture was coming together
and like looking in a mirror
I saw myself smiling
The end of my puzzle was drawing nearer

And then she left

But my puzzle was almost finished!
and the pain of her loss was so great
only one peice I had missing now
And almost as if it were fate

I realized something

I gave her a peice of my puzzle
and by doing so reduced my pain
For I gave her a very special part
Yes, the peice representing my heart

And I don't want it back
For I don't want to know
The luxury of being loved
And the pain, that with it, grows.