Like a Diamond

she's like none other
like the sun in the morning
she brightens up everyone's day
and is like the cool air on my skin

she's all i want
she's all I'd need
laying with her
and not a second id not want to see

she's the jewell of my life
like a diamond to a ring
she shines out to me

and this feeling
i hope it never ends

the feeling of warmth when i hold her in my arms
the feeling of joy when i see her smile
much more then anything i have ever drempt of

my life would never be the same without her
that's why i need her

I love her and you will never know her name

i love you ______ ♥♥
♠ ♠ ♠
a long line of confusion and i life of love, filled with hopes and dreams, slowly becoming reality