
So many words
Meant for so many things
But in the end
they bring only hurt

the strongest of these
bring men to their knees
the strongest of these
bring women to tears
so what words do we trust
so what words are the truth

my words are the words of my heart
the only words that i trust
the only words with a true meaning
but only to thise who know the same

the words of many
the words of few
have ruined that which many have held dear

words caused war

words caused famine

words cause broken hearts

the strongest thing that i have to say
is that these words are my words of truth
sent to those that need to hear
such words of truth

im only young
but so much has shaped me these past years
causing me to mature behind my age
living by honour
living by my code

now i know these are just words
but this is my truth
and to end it all
i have to say

"I give my help to those that need it
in hope that i can better their life
in any way i can" - Desiderium
♠ ♠ ♠
written for someone in particulary...they'll know who they are when they read it