Let's Sign Hearts

Around this time two years ago
I prepared for what I feared.
Sitting alone inside my room
As the worst of things soon neared.

A sad song played on the radio
But I kept tears inside my head.
My lungs couldn't breathe, my heart didn't beat
As I replayed the things you said.

You promised me we'd leave this place.
Just as soon as summer came.
We swore by God and vowed to it,
Signed our hearts with each other's name.

Yet here I am, still in my house.
With nothing but London Dairy.
I've got the album of you out,
The man I thought I'd marry.

You're a thousand miles south of me.
And you took my heart along.
While I sit at home and cry over you
Because the radio played our song.

I remember how we joked around.
Thinking, "How will we ever leave?"
But I guess you were laughing at me instead.
Since you had cards up your sleeve.

The age difference should've been a clue.
You had to go some time.
But a part of me was hoping that.
Your heart would end up mine.

It's not fair of me to hold it against you
When you still don't know how I feel.
But you made a promise, you should've known,
You ripped off a broken seal.

Why else would I laugh at your poor jokes.
And talk to you when I should be asleep.
I thought you were smart, but if you didn't figure out,
My heart was yours to keep.

Two years in the future I hope things will change.
And I will be smiling instead.
I'll be next to you and you next to me.
Replaying what you would've said.

"I love you dear." you'd whisper to me.
And hug me from behind.
We'd grab two pens and each other's heart
And once again, we'd sign.

"To the girl of my dreams" you'd put simply
And jot your initals too.
I'd kiss your heart and hold it tight
before writing, "I love you."