Another One

Another tale of Romeo and Juliet
They fell in-love, forbidden yet
They stayed together through the end
Here's my take of Romeo and Juliet

There's the lad that lives next door
To the beaut who washes hard wood floors
Always glances never stares
Soon they swore to have ever more

Away they ran
A plan to seek
Each other out
Before dawn's peek

The beaut awaited for her lad
Until a cougar scared her mad
She ran in fright right out of sight
Leaving her veil of persian white

The lad appeared
Then saw his end
It stabbed his heart
Which he couldn't mend

His eyes rolled back
Drooled crimson red
His hand on his heart
For he was dead

Out of the bushes came the maid
Shocked in sorrow here she laid
Next to her lad
This is where they stayed

They'd planned to get married
Their parents forbade
They were to meet up
In a harmless way

To make their vows
To be forever more
The wish came true
And I'll tell you how

Instead of saying '' I do''
They took the plow
forever will they have each other
Past the end with one another