I hate you

I hate you
I hate you so much you might as well disappear
Nobody likes you so why are you still here
Go away you are mocking me
With your colors of envy and jealousy
Can’t you see I don’t want you anymore`
Don’t hate I found someone better than you
Might as well go find some other girl who is blind
Enough not to know the real you
You are cold hearted,
A jerk and you are disloyal
You filled me with pain and bruises
I hope no other girl loses
To your lies and broken promises
You cheated on me
And expect me to
Forgive and take you back
Well you might as well
Think again
I will not put up with
A loser like you
I deserve better
Than the hurt and pain
You put me through
You set me up
I was trapped in your
Game of cat and mouse
I hate the way you smile
It might take me a while
To get over our
Once existed love
You abused our relationship
Took me for granted
And ripped my heart
Into shreds
I hate you
For what you did to me