Mixed Feeling

Broken open
Shattered like glass
If I had one thing to say
This would be my last
I'm sorry I hurt you
I wanted to stay
A razor to my wrist
A demon I needed to slay
My one true love
The only one I see
The only thing I wanted
Was for you to be on one knee
A scary thought
A dream so real
I woke in the night
Not knowing how to feel
I come to school
I see you smile
This is what makes my heart break
What puts me in denial
You hold my heart
You can see the scars
I'm lying in the woods
I see the fading stars
My sight goes dark
My body goes numb
I needed to hold you
Could I be so dumb?
I wake today
Knowing it was a dream
I engulf you in a hug
The love I feel could make me scream

Written By:
Katrina Renee Evans