It's Time To Rip Things Up.

i've lost my skill for words,
i've lost the feeling i used to have.
i cry when you block me out,
i cry when things don't go right.

I laugh when you say you care,
i laugh when people cry about the silliest things.
I'm laughing now,
i was one of them.

I wanna go back to the days,
the days when i could run around for hours and not give a damn.
the days that things were easy,
the days when nothing bothered me.
The days when a bandage would fix my wounds.

Now life has changed,
now life is harder.
Now when you cry you have to have a reason,
now when you smile you can't smile without people thinking your weird.

Now a wound can break your heart,
now a scar can ruin things.

i'm fed up of lieing,
smiling when things are too hard to handle.
i'm fed up of hiding behind a facade,
it's time to cry when i want to,
when i need to.

Fed up of the way things were,
fed up of the way things are.
I say,
it's time to rip the whole bloody place up.
It's time to laugh,
to just laugh.
To run in the wind,
to cry just for the hell of it.

It's Time To Rip Up What's Left Of What Used To Make Sense.