one person, is all it takes

you walk into the building
knowing that not one person
is going to care
whether or not they hurt you

you try and walk through the halls
invisable, like a spirit lost
but they can see you
you try to hide, to run
but they catch up

they shove you around
and knock everything out
of your hands and cscatters
it all over
you lean over to pick it up
and try to see if anyone around will help

once person comes along
a new person, someone you dont
reconize and picks up all your stuff
they hand it to you with a smile and stays
to chat a while

even though you do not know
this person, you are glad to
see, that not everyone si the same

after chatting with this new person
you feel the cloud
lift high, higher
then *POOF* its gone

you walk a little more straighter
this time trying to be seen
and just to believe that your spirit has lifted
all because of one person