
oh ana,
what'd you do to me?
dont you know your killing me...
and ana, dear...
I love you so...
but shouldnt my friends and family know?
i listen to you and fast from your words,
but ana, oh ana,
its my friends it hurts,
i, for one, can deal with your pain,
for them however its not quite the same,
ive come to know you ana,
your my best friend,
but this i think, needs to end,
I depend on you...
your the only thing that gets me through,
but why me ana?
take someone else's life,
I dont want to be your sacrifice,
I wish i had buried you,
Now its to late...theres nothing more I can do
♠ ♠ ♠
this is what i have so needs some serious editing though...comments?