Guess it's too little too late

Right after I pass the ball
I realized I could’ve taken the shot
Guess I was too afraid to fall
Never known how useless it made me look

I’ve been missing out on my own life
Terrified to stray from the side walk
I saw my chances flashing on the other side
But never had the guts to cross the road

I missed out on parties, cuz I was afraid
That I’d feel left out or out of place
And after each one when I’m hearing about it
I wish I was actually there instead

I let the love of my life walk away
Maybe it’s cuz I was afraid of getting hurt
I had it in my mind that whatever promises made
He’s always bound to break my heart

But maybe if I knew then what I know now
That living’s about risking what’s in the palm of your hand
Because for so long I’ve been locked inside my shell
And look where that left me standing now

I’m a sixty years old woman lying on her death bed
No one surrounding me cuz I never gave them the chance
I have no one to help me and hold my hand
No memories to reminisce, no moments to share

Cuz it’s now that I realized all I wanted to do
I wanted to try out biking, cliff diving, and sleepovers in my room
I wanna fall in love and get my heart broken so bad
Then fall again and again till I meet the right guy

I wanna face my fear of flying, then travel and see the world
I wanted to have a family, and watch our children grow
I wanted to have a husband, that’ll be holding my hand right now
We’ll be watching our old pictures, and laughing all we can

But I guess it’s too little too late
I can’t rewind the time I waste
I was young one day, had my life in front of me
But I wasted it all, afraid of what would’ve been…