The Angel

This is the story of a girl.
Of course, it always is right?
Just wait for it to unfurl.
You better hold on tight!
The girl in question here,
is about to turn eighteen.
She's excited for the end of the year,
to make her way out onto the scene.
But excitement turns to fright
as she walks home one day.
Day too soon turns into night,
and it seems she's lost her way.
The poor girl runs through the blank, quiet streets,
jumping at every moving shadow,
hiding from every person she meets,
suddenly she sees someone aglow.
She walks towards the man,
not frightened anymore.
The angel silently holds out his hand,
and she glides to him across the floor.
He spreads out his feathery wings,
and jumps up, starts to take flight.
She is ready for what this adventure will bring,
not putting up any resistance or fight.
He glides through the inky sky,
higher and higher he goes,
he brings her to a heavenly light,
and in her heart, she suddenly knows.
She looks back down to the ground,
and sees that nothing of importance
can ever really be found.
Into heaven, she has been grant.