In the eyes of this beholder...

Oh my goodness, how cute you are!
All frumpled and bed-headed,
your short, dark hair is tousled, curlier than usual;
and... you are wearing pink, fuzzy pajama pants.
It's like you're a little kid!
I kinda just want to pinch your cheeks and ruffle your hair.
Your eyes are droopy and you seem slightly incoherent.
It's adorable the way you stumble over your words,
unable to form completely articulate sentences,
and you smile at me sleepily.
How could anyone hate you?
You look so small and vulnerable.
Innocent like a child.
And absolutely the sweetest person in the world.
Don't worry about what they say about you.
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
It's not true anyway.
I'll protect you from their harmful, vicious words.
Shield you like a protector, a guardian angel.
Which is ironic, because you are mine.
Please don't fret.
Eventually they will tire
of talking behind your back,
and trying to get you fired.
It's just because you're new here,
and different from the norm.
Have confidence in yourself, because
you mean the world to me, at least.
Always too soon,
you go to leave, and widen your eyes at me.
Your eyebrows shoot up, almost comically.
I stick my tongue out at you, and you giggle.
I love making you laugh.
Don't let them get you down.
They'll figure it out someday.
Just be you.
No one could ever scorn something so amazing and pure.
Or have any ill will towards your true self at all.
Your true colors are too beautiful to ignore.