
Do you know how hard it is to watch someone you thought you found love with fall for someone else?

Your heart shatters into a million pieces sharp enough to stab you over and over again no matter what you do.

The emotional pain make you want to just fall over and clutch your chest as you let the tears spill from your eyes.

Days seem endless and nights even longer. The four walls of your bedroom and your tear soaked pillows seem to be the only thing that matter anymore.

Everywhere you go reminds you of them. Their sweet voice follows you everywhere echoing in your head. You think you can smell that unique sent you call theirs. Your eyes even play tricks on you brining hoes up and letting them fall.

Reality sets in and your dreams and hope for a fairy tale ending becomes even more distant. Your prince charming is nothing but a fake with a good costume and your tiara is only plastic.
Numbness takes over and you couldn't be bothered to care anymore.