Only One Kid

To kill me is a sin
For me to kill is also the same
anyone who kills are left with regret
the killers as we tag them have either been caught and set free or put to death.

For one killing is a simple shot to the head
others a shot to the heart
have they ever thought of who is behind the barrel of the gun
they never took the time to think what if their love one was looking down the barrel of that gun.

The victims will never feel love
never feel the chance to be happy
never to be married
never to live free
never grow up
never to be who they wanted to be.

All it takes is just one person
One person to pull the trigger
one person to swing the Ax
one person to stab with the knife
One person to push shove hit
one person to strangle.

People just sit there and think
why not me
why him
why her
i should have helped while i could
why didn't i help
they also are left with the feeling of regret

We have no idea what makes a parent what to do this
we have no idea why they would harm younger people
we have no idea why they choose to kill
we have no idea what makes them what to abuse
we have no idea what makes them what to rape

kids ball up in corners trying to stay away from the fights
the violent outburst
the lust
the gun
the knife
the Ax
the hand
the father
the mother

Its only a matter of time till the cops get them
then what
will they get send to other family
will they get sent to another country
will they get sent to a foster home
will they get sent back to them

All parents have to do is raise a hand
an Ax
an knife
or sit their and rape their kids
or let the other sit their and watch laughing while the other partner beats them like a drum
throw them like a rag doll

Little do they know that the child can turn around
in the middle of the night
in the middle of the day
and take the weapon
and pull the trigger
It through their heart
♠ ♠ ♠
the reason why its rated PG-13 is cause of the way i put it really isnt that sutable for young people