Do You Remember?

Fourth of July,
that was the first time, ever.
I had never kissed a guy before,
nervous habits came out to play and my hands began to shake.

The way you placed your hands on my hips to pull me closer when i hesitantly started to pull away set my stomach in a twirl.
How many times had you done this?
Would i suffer in comparison to someone who had experience?

He leaned closer and i picked my head up to meet his lips... thats when the fireworks went off.
Not only in the sky, but in my mouth, mind, and body.
This went on for who knows how long, i wasnt counting, i couldnt, my mind was consumed with thoughts elsewhere.

Then we pulled away, due to the sound of footsteps approaching.
You looked at me with eyes full of compasion, and adoration, and i couldnt help but look back the same way.
You gave me a full hug, and as we pulled away you ran your fingers down my arm, caught my hand, and squeezed it with a smile.

After that we did the same a few times, each time going a little farther than before, never passing my boundries, but borderlining them.
But the more we did, the less i saw of compassion, but more lust. I could tell even by your kiss.
It was different from the first time.

The more i fell for you, the less you wanted me.
We were friends before, and you cared about my thoughts and values.
You cared about ME.
What happened ?
Was it me?
Tell me.

Every time i ask, i never get a straight answer, just an evading one.
I cant do this anymore, it hurts too much.
But...i cant blame you for any of this.
From the beginning you had told me 'nothing serious'.
I fooled myself into believeing i could change that.
But i couldnt...i didnt.

Your gone now, we barely talk.
Your rude and stand offish.
You dont want to just talk one on one, about anything.
And yet, i cant help but wonder.

Do you ever close your eyes and think about that one night in July?
Do you ever take in a deep breath, and relive that moment in you mind's eye?
Do you ever think about it...even a little bit?
...Do you even remember?