
I see a butterfly and automatically wonder..
What if you were still here today?
What if I could just sit and chat one more time?
What would you say to me?
What would you say about the desicions I've made?

I want to just curl up on the arm of your chair and snuggle with you once more.
I want you to read me one last story.

Its been 3 years and it is not getting any easier to let you go.
I miss you.

It causes me heart ache to know you won't be there
the day I get my icense
my graduation
to help me plan my wedding

I wish you could have been heathy.
Why did someone so sweet and important have to get ovarian cancer?
Why my Nana?
Why can't I hug you and say I love you one more time?

3 years and the pain is still here.
No ones that at every holiday and significant event I cry becuase you're gone
No one knows it still eats me away inside.
Am I the only one?

R.I.P Alice "Nana" Lewandoski.
A loving wife, sister, aunt, mother, cousin, grandmother, and great-grandmother; turned into the best gaurdian angel ever.
Gone but not forgotten