another one of those days.

im sick of sitting here thinking of you when i know
i dont even cross your mind. why is it that you meant
so much to me and had such a big effect on my life
when i never meant shit.. we never went anywhere
or even lasted long at all but you mean the world to me
and i care about you more then you will ever know.
i dont get what i ever did to you, but im sorry. i just wish
you saw the patential and beauty i see in you. i dont know
why i post these rediculous bullitens babbling on and on
about you when i know youll never read it. and even if
you did you wouldnt care. you have a reserved spot in
my heart even though there was never a spot for me in
yours. i wish i had the curage to say this to you instead of
the rest of the world. but to be honest id rather have everyone
else know how i feel and judge me then ever know the truth
behind those beautiful eyes of yours. i dont know why you
have such a huge effect on me, because you dont even care,
but you do. and i cant help it. i wish i could snap my fingers
and erase every memory of you from my head and my life,
but it isnt that easy. i wish i could hold you and never let you
go and kiss your cheeks and tell you everything will be okay.
but you wont let me in. you will never let anyone help you.
you are soo stubborn.. you always were.