Darkness reigns,yet light stays.

Darkness reigns,
yet light stays
Flowers wilting and turning to dust,
yet you go in to plant new ones.
to never go away,
As my heart has not
My skin ripples and stretches
eventually tearing
pouring my whole being
out for everyone to stare at
as they have done before.
What is this shiny thing
doing in my presence?
is it a sign
that I should go through with it?
or a sign that I should
Rethink what I've planned
and start for a better life
for my well being

I pick it up
hoping for a better tomorrow
that won't come

I'm enthralled by the thought of it
Maybe I'll go to where angels fly and flowers bloom
or maybe I'll go to where carcasses rot in the light of the burning fires

Put it up to my head
Pull the trigger

No bullet

No shot

No ammo

Maybe it's a sign
Well,it's a sign I'm not very fond of

But I can live with it