Call to Action

We've been beaten down, abused.
Interrogated and falsly accused.
They've shown us how we should live.
Forced us to believe we have nothing to give.
Society proclaims only perfect people get anywhere.
But look around, we're all human with our crosses to bare.
We need to stand together to remain strong.
Keep our faith; fix what's been wrong.
Families, stop fighting.
Runaway children, come out of hiding.
Don't let pride get in your way.
Just do what must be done today.
The color of your skin never mattered.
It's the fabric of our lives that's torn and tattered.
Disability and disease can't hold us back.
The vase isn't broken, it just has a crack.
Lonely and outcast will find their place.
Look one another in the eye, face to face.
Together we could fix this mess.
If we cared more and hated less.