I Love You

Me plus you,
You plus me,
There’s not a thing that I wouldn’t do,
That it’s our love that everybody sees.

You love me,
I love you,
We’ll be the couple that every body wants to be,
I don’t know if my heart can even move.

My heart beats,
So does yours,
We’ll concur every fight and never accept defeat,
I know this for sure.

I see you,
You see me,
I don’t have anything else to do,
But hug you forever, because I don’t want you to leave.

Your shirt is wet with tears,
Standing there holding me up,
But when you’re hurt I’m all ears,
If I love you anymore my heart might erupt.

All my nightmare are about losing you,
I just can’t bare the thought,
Because I don’t know what I would do,
I think my heart might rot.

You’re my love,
And that means it will last forever,
I’ll always want to send my letters by dove,
I want to spend the rest of our lives together.

I love you SO freaking much,
That I had no idea that I would,
I’m just an innocent such,
I never thought I would love as much as I could.

You are my world,
And I know you’ll catch me when I fall,
And hold back my hair when I hurl,
Or watch me while I’m out on the soccer field playing ball.

I never want to lose you,
You’re my best friend,
And I know you feel that way too,
You have sewn all the tears in my heart that I thought no one could mend.

You. <3
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I don't know how everybody will like it but yeah, here it goes.