Why I Write.

Why do I write?
Because I want to...
Because I can...
Because it's one of the only ways
In this great big ball of green and blue
That I can express my feelings
My thoughts
My opinions
Without being criticized.
Normally I hide what I write
So a site like this
Really helps keep my words
From the poeple who
Will shoot me down the most
The people that I love
That love me
Would be the first ones to say
"You'll never make it."
Maybe that's why I write
Because I want to prove to people
That I can
I can make it
I can become a writer
I can fufill my dream
Afterall, dreams are supposed to come true, right?
At least that is what we are told...
But then again, we are told a lot of things
"There is no Santa Claus.."
"You're adopted."
"I flushed your fish down the toilet."
..."You'll never make it."...
Sometimes they are the truth, but in my case...
"You'll never make it." Is just what they say
Because they're jealous.
They're jealous of why I write...