Dear Jimmy

Although i never knew you you'll always be a part of me
your memory still lives on in everything i see
i smile when i hear your voice as i laugh along with you
i wish this was only fiction i dont want it to be true Jimmy
you have left us all alone you see to Seize the day in the Afterlife
you've gone so far away .

so Dear Dear Darling Jimmy like i said before come back to us
and play your drums like all those times before its not the same
without you i swear i know its true its coming up the day that all of
us we dread one year since you left you will never leave my head
so sleep tight our darling drummer with those angel wings you have
keep a place for all of us were we can rest our heads see you in the
afterlife dear Jimmy in our own Little piece of heaven we love you
♠ ♠ ♠
first attempt let me know if it needs fixed ta