Something Outrageous

Just to speak of something outrageous
Just the thought of knowing that you are there, for me
Lets me believe that I can do anything.

I just want to be with you
Just an outrageous thought, but at least can you say you care
Say you will be with me forever,

Then again I don't want to damage your reputation
Crazy how something as simple as an image can keep us apart
But what if I told you I love you?

Will we ever be able to go back to being friends,
That is if this thing we start never works out
Can you at least say you'll give us a try

But when I look at you, and her
Reality comes falling back on me
And I realize how far away we are from each other.

Please don't take any of this personal
I don't wish any harm on your perfect relationship
This was just something outrageous, something for me to believe in.