Show me. Show me.

I want to see the easy life.
Show me.
Show me.

I see your love,
the passion, it burns.
I know how you feel,
You see the future.

Show me.
Show me.

This discomfort eats me from the inside out.
I'm so in love it drives me crazy,
but I'm not full, you aren't the only one.
It's killing me.

Show me.
Show me.

You deserve the best,
you deserve my all.
I want to give you everything you heart desires,
but baby you know I can't.
You know I'm just not there yet.

Show me.
Show me.

Knowing you are hurting,
knowing it's all my fault.
This is a new pain, it's the worst one yet.
When I look at myself, I get sick.
Don't worry, no.
Don't you fear, I am here.

Show me.
Show me.

No matter how many times this pain over takes you,
brings you to a place where you don't want to go on,
I'll still be here.
I'll still be here when you decided to come back to me.
I love you, don't you see?

Show me.
Show me.

Don't you understand,
this time, this time right now,
It's not ours.
It's not for us to share.
The time ahead, the future,
now that, that's ours.
Just give me time,
to sort this all out.
Give me time to find all of me,
once that is done,
then baby it'll be our time.