
I'm not scared of the way you look at me,
Or the way you smile,
Or the fact that you might just care.
I'm not scared that you talk to me,
Or that you listen to me,
Or that you exchange looks with me in class.
I'm not scared that we're perfectly in tune,
Or that you keep your distance,
Or that I might get hurt.

I'm scared that I might lose you somewhere along the line,
And that this might not be the forever we've been talking about,
And that one kiss could ruin us.
I'm scared that you might never make a move,
And that I might never make one either,
And that I might be too broken hearted from before to stay.
I'm scared that being with you could change me for the worst,
And that you might not love me as much as I love you,
And that what means everything to me could mean nothing to you.

I'm not scared of how you'll treat me,
Or what else you might think of me,
Or how I'll stop loving you if I have to.
I'm not scared of kissing you goodnight,
Or saying I love you,
Or hearing you say it too.
I'm not scared of the way you hold me,
Or that your jokes might run out,
Or that I'll ignore other things for you.

I'm scared that there's an end to everything,
And that that means a new beginning,
And that that beginning might not be with you.
I'm scared that we're going to different schools next year,
And that you might meet someone else,
And that you might leave me forever.
I'm scared that you will lie to me,
And I'll lie to you,
And we'll become the biggest mess out there.

I'm not scared to be yours,
Or that you might not want to be mine,
Or that the world might be against us.
I'm not scared of sticking up to my parents,
Or of meeting yours,
Or of keeping us a secret.
I'm not scared of commitment,
Or of wearing your sweater around my shoulders,
Or of being known as yours.

I'm scared that we'll never be,
And that we're both just to nervous,
And that I'm just making things up.
I'm scared that I'm wrong,
And that you don't actually like me,
And that maybe you never will.
I'm scared that sometime, somewhere I'll have to leave you,
And that I won't be ready,
And that I'll have to cry because of you.