Life Is Pointless

Life is pointless, if you really think
We all die

They may cry when we're gone,
But they die too

And making a name for yourself,
Well, that's stupid

You're dead, so it doesn't even affect you
And how about Heaven?

There aren't any witnesses, correct me if I'm wrong
And living your whole life

Might not get you any higher than six feet under

Well, there's a thought; but there lies the unknown
Hell? Heaven? Reincarnation?

Just because you believe it, it doesn't make it true
Make the most of life,

And you're just part of the crowd
Kill yourself,

And you become another statistic
That organizations use

To help people like you that see no point in life
To postpone death

For when they fear death, flee from death
But it was just going to happen anyways

At least before they were happy to go
Save the animals? Stop abuse? End rape and war?

Noble try,
But remember sweety,

In the end, we all die