
The path before me I a treacherous one,
I find myself no more prepared than week old youth.
I want to sleep forever, running from my problems,
Never having them catch me, even if I should fall.

But breaking in half and crumbling to a million pieces,
The beating has ceased and the blood has stopped,
The coldness burning,
Like the eyes of the one who has done it,
Passion comes hither from the depths unknown,
Tears of despise fall like rain,
Fallen forward to the hard floor,
I die once more for the love that I cannot obtain.

Doomed I am from the start,
Never finding my way,
I pace and I wonder day by day
Moving like an unwanted spirit through the realm,
I weep with my sorrow
And froth with my need for vengeance,
My eyes like cold pits and my heart melted to stone,
I turn to the door and wander out
To the world bright and cheery
For I am coming for you
No matter the cost.