Deathly Colors

Those white lies
Your black heart
Purple veins
Running through your arms

Brown handle
Of a silver blade
Cutting through the creamy flesh
Of whoever comes its way

Blood of red
Sky of blue
The only things I see now
Just those two, plus you

Yellow teeth
Biting down
On the golden halo
Of a Queen's crown

Grey shadows
As they approach the scene
Please come
Rescue me

Crystal tears
Rolling down my cheeks
As I hear the shot
And think I'm beat

But when I open my eyes--
Green as grass
I see you lying
In a pool of blood and glass

Then there are voices
Filling my ears
And now I know
Why they are here

Finally I realize
Everything is okay
I'm safe.
I've been saved.

I get to live for atleast another day.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you read this PLEASE comment. I don't care if it's just one word, just take a few seconds to tell me what you think... I wanna see as many comments as there are readers on this.. =)